Page:Philosophical Transactions - Volume 003.djvu/7

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The Scheme it self.

ho. foot. inch. ho. foot. inch.
1 ——— 1 ... 6 1 ——— 1 ... 6
2 ——— 2 ... 6 2 ——— 2 ... 6
Of Flowing 3 ——— 4 ... 0 Of Ebbing 3 ——— 4 ... 0
4 ——— 4 ... 0 4 ——— 4 ... 0
5 ——— 2 ... 6 5 ——— 2 ... 6
6 ——— 1 ... 6 6 ——— 1 ... 6

6. The usual number of Tides, or times of High-water from New-Moon to New-Moon, or from Full-Moon to Full-Moon, is 59.

So far the Remarks hitherto mode by this inqusitive person upon the Subject of Tides, who not only promiseth his own continuance for farther Observations, but also his care of recommending the said Tide-Quæries to the constant observation if an intelligent person living just on the Sea-side.

Enquiries and Directions

For the Ant-Iles, or Caribbe-Islands.

In Numb. 23. some Quæries were publish'd for some parts of the West-Indies, and those for other parts refer'd to another opportunity; which presenting it self at this time, we shall here set down such Enquiries for the Ant-Iles, as were collected out of the Relations of several Authors writing of those Islands, such as are the Natural History of the Ant-Iles, written by a French-man; the History of the Barbadoes by Lygon, &c. to the end, that these Queries being considered by such curious persons as frequent those places, and delight in making careful Observations, they may from thence return such Answers, as may either confirm or rectifie the Relations concerning them already extant. The Enquiries are these:

I. Of Vegetables.

1. Whether the juice of the Fruit of the Tree Junipa, being as clear as any Rock-water, yields a brown Violet-dye, and being put twice upon the same place, maketh it
