Page:Philosophical Transactions - Volume 004.djvu/185

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III. ERASMI BARTHOLINI de COMETIS An. 1664 & 1665. Opusculum; Ex Observationibus Hafniæ, habitis adornatum. Hafniæ in 4°.

THis the other Tract, we hinted in the next precedent Accompt; and in it the Author, having first intimated, That the more narrowly this Subject about Comets hath been search't into, the farther have Intelligent and Perspicacious men receded from the opinion of the Peripateticks concerning them; he acquaints the Reader, what Instruments he used in making Observations, among which was a Quadrant of 1½ foot radius; what conveniency he had as to the place of Observation; what Observations he made, viz. A. 1664, Decemb. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. and A. 1665, Januar. 1. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 9. 12. 24, 31. and Februar. 7. Further, how he found the Longitude and Latitude of this Comet by observing its distances from two Fixt Starts; and having found those, how thence he found its right Ascensions and its Declinations for every day: Besides, How he found the Motion of the Comet in his Orb, and the Place of Intersection and the Angle of Inclination with the Ecliptick. To which he adds his Considerations about the Place of the Comet, and the Parallaxes, vindicating here the Noble Tycho from the Accusation of Ricciolo info in Almag. Nova: Concluding all with an Investigation of the Causes of Comets; where he examins, Whether Comets be co-eval with the World, or produced anew, and if the latter, How: Insinuating withall, that, though he esteems the latter Comet to be different from the former, yet, admitting the Cartesian Hypothesis, we may without any difficulty maintain, that it was the same with the first.

IV. SYLVA & POMONA, by JOHN EVELYN Esq. Fellow of the R. SOCIETY. Reprinted by John Martin and James Allestry in fol. London.

THis is the Second Edition of this Book, very much improv'd and enlarged. It was the first that was written and publishtby