THis smal Tract, consisting only of 4. Sheets, may serve to initiate those, that desire to be acquainted with the sum and import of the Cartesian Philosophy. It delivers, in 11. Chapters, these 11. Heads: The Metaphysicks of that famous Philosopher; his Logick; Principles of Natural Philosophy in general; his Doctrine concerning the Productions made in the Bowels of the Earth; concerning Meteors; Sensible Qualities; Plants; Animals; Man; Humane Passions; and Ethicks.
THis seems to be a very Curious Collection; to which the Author premiseth in the Preface his opinion concerning the Renes succenturiatos, viz. That they seem to be Cases, wherein is elaborated a Bilious Juyce; which afterward by the Emulgent veine, or often immediately, passeth to the Cava and thence conveyed to the Heart, raiseth there that Effervescence, which Sylvius contends to be in that part excited by the mixture of a saltish liquor with an Acid: foral-