that Square; but not so of a Sphere.) So that he seems hereto have mistaken a Cylinder for a Sphere.
Besides these two (which doe influence all that follows) Mr Hobbes also, in his 2d Figure, supposeth (untruly, saith Dr Wallis) without proof, That (on the common Center A) the Arches drawn by Y. O. h, will cutt the Line AG in the same points b, c, l, where the streight Lines eb, zc, kl, (parallel to CG) doe cut the said Line A G: (which do influence all those Propositions, which depend on these Suppositions.) Other particular mistakes observed by our Author are here omitted.
N. On this occasion the Reader is made acquainted, that all the works of Dr Wallis, which of late have been scarce, are now to be had at the Shop of Moses Pitt Bookseller at the White Heart in Little Brittaine.
This History written in the Portuguese Language, as tis now moulded, by Padre Balthezar Tellez, Provincial of the Iesuits of Portugall, out of -that of Padre Manoel d' Almeyda, was not seen, I think, here in England before now, an Exemplar of it having been lately transmitted and presented to the R. Society from Lisbon by Padre Hieronymo Lobo (one of the same order) by the care of Sir Robert Southwell Knight, his Majesties Envoy Extraordinary to that Court.
Passing by the accompt and relations, given in this Book, concerning the kingdoms and Provinces, comprehended under the Abyssin Empire, and its customs, Government, Militia, Citties, Revenues, Emperors, Religion, Discoveries and pretended Conversions there made by the Portuguese, together with the Contradictions and Disappointments, which those of Religious Orders have met with in that Empire; We shall only take notice here of the Heads it contains of a Philosophicall call nature: Concerning which there is to be found a good description of the true Head and Course of the River Nile together with a plaine Mapp thereof; as also of the Lake Dembea, through