Page:Philosophical Transactions - Volume 012.djvu/114

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( 923 )

Numb. 137.


Febr. 10. for the Months of January and February, 1677/8.

The Contents.

The manner of Hatching Chicken at Cairo; observed by Mr. John Graves, and communicated by Sr. George Ent. A Relation concerning Barnacles; by Sr. Robert Moray. A Description of the island Hirta; communicated also by Sr. Robert Moray. Some Observations of a Cameleon; made by Dr. Jonathan Goddard. An Account of the Iron-Works in the Forest of Dean; communicated by Henry Powle, Esquire. A Relation of the making of Ceruse; by Sr. Philiberto Vernatti. An Account of Two Books: I. The true Intellectual System of the Universe. The First Part; by R. Cudworth, D. D. II. The Six Voyages of John Baptista Tavernier, published in English.

The manner of Hatching Chicken at Cairo, observed by Mr. John Graves, sometime Professor of Astronomy at Oxford; and communicated by Sr. George Ent, late President of the College of Physitians, London.

They begin in the midst of January to heat the Ovens: spending every Morning an hundred Kintars (or an hundred pound weight) of Camels, or of Buffalo's Dung; and the like proportion at Night, till the midst of February. About which time the Ovens are so hot, that one cannot well endure to lay his hand upon the Walls.

After this, they put the Eggs into the Ovens to hatch the Chicken; which they continue successively till the end of May.
