Page:Philosophical Transactions - Volume 012.djvu/161

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Numb. 139.



For the Months of April, May, and June, 1678.

The Contents.

{{hi|Monsieur Bullialdus's Observation of the Occultation of Sa- turn by the interpofition of the Moon. A Relation of Red Snow; communicated by the Honourable Mr.Boyle. Ana- tomical Obfervations of the Structure of the Nofe; made by Monfieur du Vernay. Obfervations of fome Animals, and of a Strange Plant, made in a Voyage into the Kingdom of Congo; by Michael Angelo de Guattini, and Dionyfius de Placenza. Of the Sorbus Pyriformis, obferved, by Mr. Edmond Pitt to grow wild in England. A Relation of a Child, which remained Twenty fix years in the Mother's belly. An Account of fome Books: I. Exercitationes tres; by Dr. Wallis. 1. Hiftoriæ Animalium Anglia tres Tractatus ; by Mr. Lifter. III. Lectures and Col- lections; by Mr. Hooke. Advertisement of the continu. ance of the Mechanical Exercifes by Mr. Moxon. And of a Ner kind of Globe; invented by the Right Honou- rable the Earl of Castlemain.

Societa:is Regiæ Anglica Illuftriffimis, celeberrimis atque Sapientiffimis Viris Ifmael Bullialdus, S.P.D.

Illuftriffimi, Celeberrimi ac Sipientiffimi Viri,

HAnc à me habitam occultationis Saturni à Luna intercepti obfervationem ad vos tranfmittere, à vobis olim in Soci- etatem veftram tranfcriptus, decrevi. Eam neque Tabula Ru- dolfine, neque mea Philolaïca (etfi minus, quàm ille, in punctisinitii