Page:Philosophical Transactions - Volume 012.djvu/199

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Numb. 141.



For the Months of September, October, and November, 1678.

The Contents.

Monsieur Cassini's Observation of the Lunar Eclips on the 29 Octob. 1678. Monsieur Gallet's Observation of the Solar Eclips on the 11 June, 1676. Extract of a Letter from Monsieur Butterfield about the making of Microscopes, &c. Extract of a Letter from Mr. Conyers about his Improvement of Sir Samuel Moreland's speaking Trumpet. An Account of two Books: I. A Discourse of the State of Health in Jamaica, &c. by Dr. Thomas Trapham. II. Catalogus Stellarum Australium: by Mr. Edmund Halley.

Clarissimo Viro
Domino Nehemiæ Greuio Regiæ Societatis à Secretis
Jo. Dominicus Cassinius S. P. D.

Cum nupera Lunæ Eclìpsis à nobis hîc in observatorio regso diligentissime fuerit observata, ejus exemplar ad te, Vir Clarissime, mittendum duxi regìæ Societatis Astronomis, imprimisque D. Flamstedio, communicandum. Inserviet illa Meridianorum differentiæ Parisios inter & Londinum exactè definiendæ, si vobis par cœli serenitas ejusdem observandæ opportunitatem
