Page:Philosophical Transactions - Volume 012.djvu/77

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( 887 )

Num. 136.



June 25. 1677.


Letter of Mr. John Conyers, containing an account of a very useful and cheap Pump, contrived by him, and also put in practice with good success. Some-Considerations upon Numb.133 of these Tracts. A Demonstration concerning the Motion of Light, communicated from Paris. A Relation of some strange Phenomena, accompanied with mischievous effects, in a Coal work in Flint-shire. A Letter from Mr. Leewenhoeck, concerning some Observations by him made of the Carneous Fibres of a Muscle, and the Cortical and Medullar part of the Brain, as also of Moxa and Cotton. The Description of a Celestial Globe, artificially made, showing the apparent Motions of the Sun, Moon, and Fixed Stars, &c. A Description of the Diamond-Mines, as it was presented by the Right Honourable, the Earl Marshal of England, to the Royal Society. An Account of some Books: I. The Primitive Origination of Mankind, considered and examined according to the Light of Nature; by the Honourable Sir Matthew Hale, Kt. &c. II. Tractatus Medicus de MORBIS CASTRENSIBUS INTERNIS, Auth. Joh. Valentino Willio. III. Hebdomas Observationum de Rebus SINICIS, Auth. Andræa Mullero.''IV. The Curious Distillatory, written originally in Latin by Joh.Sigism. Elsholt, and Englished by T.S. &c. V. Medicina Statica, or Rules of Health, likewise originally written in Latin, now made English by 'J. D. VI. Systema Horriculturæ,containing in English the Art of Gardening in Three Books; by J.W. Gentl.&c.