Page:Philosophical Transactions - Volume 015.djvu/3

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I might add, That Your Lordſhip's Kind-
neſs has reacht the Publiſher of theſe Tracts, and made Him wholly Your Own: But I muſt take care, not to be Uneaſy to Your Lordſhip; who is more inclined to Do great, things, then to Hear of them after they are done.

Wherefore, I ſhall only recommedn to Your Lordſhip's Patronage and Protection, the folliwng Diſcourſes: Some of which retreive loſt Peices of Antiquity, ( as the Incombuſti-
ble Cloth, &c.) and by theſe means add to the Authority of the Antients, who have ſuffer-
ed in their Reputation by Our Ignorance: O-
thers extend the bounds of Learning, and in-
form Mankind by New Diſcoveryes: Theſ are all preſented to Your Lordſhip, in token of a much greated Debt, from,

My Lord,

Your Lordſhip's most Obe-
dicnt Humble Servant,