Page:Philosophical Transactions - Volume 017.djvu/183

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count of feveral Experiments made to examine the Nature of the Expanfion and Contraction of Fluids by Heat and Cold, ia order to afcertain the Divifions of the Thermomicter, and to make that Inftrument, in all places, without adjusting by a Standard. By Mr. Bdm. Halley, S.R. 8,

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da febriuoa wicermittenciam Symetomats & Typos ngitarec, Hy otypofis. und cum xtiologia Remediorum; freciatim vero de curatione per Corticem Peruviavam, accellit Differtaticuncula de Inteft:norum motu Periftaltico, Authore Guilielmo Cole A.D. Imp. Lond, in 8°. 1693. Proftant apud S. Smith.

I. Some Experiments on a Black Shining Sand brought from Virginia, suppos'd to contain Iron, made in March 1689. By Allen Moulen, M. D. and Fellow of the Royal Society, since Dead.

A Small Phial fil'd with ordinary white Sand, and containing only 37. gr. xj. being fill'd with the Virginia Sand was found to contain 34,52, gr. j, that is, 37/8. more than what was equal to it in bulk.

2. This Sand did apply to the Magnet both before and after Calcination, but the latter did apply better to it than the former.

3. A parcel. of this Sand mix'd and calcin'd with powder'd Charcoal, and kept in a melting Furnace for about an hour, yielded no Regulus, but apply'd more vigorously to the Load-stone than either of the former.

4. I