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1756, pursuant to the Direction of Sir Hans Sloane, Baronet, Med. Reg. & Soc. nuper Præses, by John Wilmer, M.D. clariss. Societatis Pharmaceut. Lond. Socius, Hort. Chels. Præfect. & Prælector Botan. p. 236.
XXX. Remarks on the Opinion of Henry Eeles, Esq; concerning the Ascent of Vapour, published in the Philosoph. Transact. Vol. xlix. Part i. p. 124. By Erasmus Darwin, M. D. Communicated by Mr. William Watson, F.R.S. p. 240.
XXXI. An Account of a new-discovered Species of the Snipe or Tringa: In a Letter to the Rev. Tho. Birch, D.D. Secret. R.S. from Mr. Geo. Edwards, Librarian of the College of Physicians. p. 255.
XXXII. Observationes de Corallinis iisque insidentibus Polypis, aliisque Animalculis Marinis: Quas Regiæ Societati Londinensi offert Job Baster, Med. Doct. Acad. Cæsar. Reg. Societ. Lond. & Scient. Holland. Socius. p. 258.
XXXIII. Remarks on Dr. Job Baster's Observationes de Corallinis, &c. In a Letter to the Right Hon. George Earl of Macclesfield, President of the R.S. from Mr. John Ellis, F.R.S. p. 280.
XXXIV. An Account of an extraordinary Operation performed in the Dock-Yard at Portsmouth: Drawn up by Mr. John Robertson, F.R.S. p. 288.
XXXV. Observations on an Evening, or rather Nocturnal, Solar Iris. By Mr. George Edwards, Librarian of the College of Physicians. p. 293.
XXXVI. The Effects of the Opuntia, or Prickly Pear, and of the Indigo Plant, in colouring the Juices of living Animals. Communicated by H. Baker, F.R.S. p. 296.
