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XLVIII. Obſervationes Eclipſium Satellitum Jovis Uliſſipone habitæ à Joanne Chevalier, Preſbytero Congregationis Oratorii, Regiæque Londinenſis Societatis Socio, Anno 1757.p. 378.
XLIX. A remarkable Caſe of the Efficacy of the Bark in a Mortification: In a Letter to William Watſon, M.D. F.R.S. from Mr. Richard Grindall, Surgeon to the London Hoſpital.p. 379.
L. A Letter to the Rev. Tho. Birch, D.D. Secret. R.S. from John Pringle, M.D. F.R.S. incloſing Two Papers communicated to him by Robert Whytt, M.D. F.R.S.p. 383.
1. Some Obſervations on the lithontriptic Virtue of the Carlſbad Waters, Lime-water, and Soap: In Letter to Dr. John Pringle, F.R.S. from Dr. Robert Whytt, F.R.S. and Profeſſor of Medicine in the Univerſity of Edinburgh.p. 386.
2. An Inſtance of the Electrical Virtue in the Cure of a Palſy. By Mr. Patrick Brydone.p. 392.
LI. An Account of some foſſil Fruits, and other Bodies, found in the Iſland of Shepey. By James Parſons, M.D. F.R.S.p. 396.
LII. Obſervations on the Comet, that appeared in the Months of September and October 1757, made at the Royal Obſervatory by Ja. Bradley, D.D. Aſtronomer Royal, F.R.S. and Member of the Royal Academy of Sciences at Paris.p. 408.
LIII. The Reſolution of a General Propoſition for determining the horary Alteration of the Poſition of the Terrestrial Equator, from the Attraction of Sun and Moon: With ſome Remarks on the Solutions given by other Authors to that difficult and important Problem. By Mr. Tho. Simpſon, F.R.S.p. 416.