Page:Philosophical Transactions - Volume 095.djvu/25

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on muscular Motion.

muscles of multi-valve, and bi-valve shell fish, to the inorganic shell, the cancer Bernhardus to the dead shells of other animals, and in the transplantation of teeth. All of which, although somewhat contrary to received opinion, have certainly no degree of vascularity, or vital connection with the inhabitant; these shells being liable to transudations of cupreous salts and other poisonous substances, whilst the animal remains uninjured. A variety of proofs to the same effect might be adduced, but it would be disrespectful to this learned Body to urge any farther illustrations on a subject so obvious.

The effects of subdivision, or comminution of parts among the complicated organized bodies, is unlike that of mineral bodies: in the latter instance, the entire properties of the substance are retained, however extensive the subdivision; in the former substances, the comminution of parts destroys the essential texture and composition, by separating the gross arrangements of structure upon which their specific properties depend. From similar causes it seems to arise, that animals of minute bulk are necessarily of simple structure: size alone is not, however, the sole cause of their simple organization, because examples are sufficiently numerous wherein the animal attains considerable bulk, and is of simple structure, and vice versâ: but, in the former, the medium in which they live, and the habits they assume, are such as do not require extensive appendages, whilst the smaller complex animals are destined to more difficult, and more active exertions. It may be assumed however, as an invariable position, that the minutest animals are all of simple organization.

Upon a small scale, life may be carried on with simple materials; but the management, and provisions for bulky animals,