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Page:Philosophical Transactions - Volume 095.djvu/275

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Motion of the Sun, and solar System.

The distance of Capella from the same calculated apex of the solar motion, by which we have already explained the apparent motions of the other two stars, is 80° 54' 46"; and, admitting again the velocity of the sun towards the same point as stated before, it will occasion a parallactic motion of Capella, in a direction 89° 54' 48" south-following its parallel, amounting to 2",8125. In this calculation Capella has been taken for a star of the first magnitude, supposing its distance from us to be equal to that of Arcturus.

By constructing then a triangle, the three sides of which will represent the three motions which every star must have that is not at rest in space; we have one of the sides, representing the apparent motion of the star, equal to 0",4637; the other side, being the parallactic motion of the star 2",8125; and the included angle 18° 19' 27". From these data we obtain the third side, representing the real motion of the star, which will be 2",3757. By the given situation of this triangle with respect to the parallel of declination of Capella, the angle of the real motion will also be had, which is 86° 34' 11" north-following the parallel of this star. A composition of the parallactic and the real motion in the directions we have assigned, will produce the annual apparent motion which has been established by observation.

But to apply what has been said to our present purpose, it may be observed, that although we have accounted for the proper motion of our third star by retaining the same apex of the solar motion, which has given us an explanation of the apparent motions of the other two, yet in doing this we have been obliged to assign a great degree of real motion to Capella; and to this it may be objected, that we can have no authority