Page:Philosophical Transactions - Volume 095.djvu/91

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on the Cohesion of Fluids.

far as to determine in many cases the circumstances under which a drop of any fluid would detach itself from a given surface. But it is sufficient to infer, from the law of the superficial cohesion of fluids, that the linear dimensions of similar drops depending from a horizontal surface must vary precisely in the same ratio as the heights of ascent of the respective fluids against a vertical surface, or as the square root of the heights of ascent in a given tube: hence the magnitude of similar drops of different fluids must vary as the cubes of the square roots of the heights of ascent in a tube. I have measured the heights of ascent of water and of diluted spirit of wine in the same tube, and I found them nearly as 100 to 64: a drop of water falling from a large sphere of glass weighed 1.8 grains, a drop of the spirit of wine about .85, instead of .84, which is nearly the weight that would be inferred from the consideration of the heights of ascent, combined with that of the specific gravities. We may form a conjecture respecting the probable magnitude of a drop by inquiring what must be the circumference of the fluid, that would support by its cohesion the weight of a hemisphere depending from it: this must be the same as that of a tube, in which the fluid would rise to the height of one-third of its diameter; and the square of the diameter must be three times as great as the appropriate product; or, for water .12; whence the diameter would be .35, or a little more than one-third of an inch, and the weight of the hemisphere would be 2.8 grains. If more water were added internally, the cohesion would be overcome, and the drop would no longer be suspended, but it is not easy to calculate what precise quantity of water would be separated with it. The form of a bubble of air rising in water is determined