Page:Philosophical Transactions - Volume 095.djvu/99

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on the Cohesion of Fluids.

we may infer that the mutual attraction of the particles of mercury being unity, that of mercury for gold will be .1 or more, that of silver about .94, of tin .90, of lead .81, of bismuth .72, of zinc .21, of copper .10, of antimony .08, of iron .07, and of cobalt .0004. The attraction of glass for mercury will be about one-sixth of the mutual attraction of the particles of mercury: but when the contact is perfect, it appears to be considerably greater.

Although the whole of this reasoning on the attraction of solids is to be considered rather as an approximation than as a strict demonstration, yet we are amply justified in concluding, that all the phenomena of capillary action may be accurately explained and mathematically demonstrated from the general law of the equable tension of the surface of a fluid, together with the consideration of the angle of contact appropriate to every combination of a fluid with a solid. Some anomalies, noticed by Musschenbroek and others, respecting in particular the effects of tubes of considerable lengths, have not been considered: but there is great reason to suppose that either the want of uniformity in the bore, or some similar inaccuracy, has been the cause of these irregularities, which have by no means been sufficiently confirmed to afford an objection to any theory. The principle, which has been laid down respecting the contractile powers of the common surface of a solid and a fluid, is confirmed by an observation which I have made on the small drops of oil which form themselves on water. There is no doubt but that this cohesion is in some measure independent of the chemical affinities of the substances concerned: tallow when solid has a very evident attraction for the water