Page:Phrase Book in the Canton Dialect or Dialogues on Ordinary and Familiar Subjects.djvu/196

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Chicago, Ill., April 15, 1880. Union Pacific R. R. Co. Gentlemen: Please inform me of your present rates for 3rd class passage from here to San Francisco, and oblige, Yours truly, ____________

Brooklyn, May 6, 1885. Pacific Mail Steamship Co., Gentlemen: Please send me the dates of sailing of your vessels to and from China, for the ensuing three months, and oblige, Yours very truly, ____________

New York, July 15, 1883, To The Postmaster of New York, Dear Sir: About four months ago, I sent a registered letter to Mr. ________ of Hongkong, I have just been informed that is has not yet been received. Will you kindly investigate the cause of delay, and oblige, Yours very truly,