Page:Phrase Book in the Canton Dialect or Dialogues on Ordinary and Familiar Subjects.djvu/42

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10. Mr. Lang, this is my friend, Mr. Lee. 未士打梁、地時衣時、嘪扶連、未士打李。

11. How do you do, sir; I am very happy to meet you. 拷都腰都、沙、埃嚈威厘、⿰口協避、吐㓕腰。

12. I think I have met you before. 埃星、埃蝦乎𭈘腰、卑科亞。

13. Have yon ever met my friend, Mr. Lang? 蝦乎腰衣華𭈘嘪扶連未士打梁。

14. I have never had the pleasure of meeting him. 埃蝦呢華吃地、地舖嚟沙、阿㓕定謙。

15. Take a seat by the fire and warm yourself. 特竒縊舌、㗑地揮呀、晏⿰口往、腰呀賒炉户。

16. Sit down, please; I want to talk with you. 舌斗煥、舖璃時、埃湾、吐⿰口託、喴腰。

17. Don't be in a hurry to go; it is early yet. 噹地卑、烟縊靴厘、吐高、咽地衣時、縊璃呀壹。

18. Thank you; but I have an appointment and must go. 時省腰、不埃蝦乎、晏𠿚佩完民、晏孖時地高。

19. Do come again soon. 都衿、縊𠼤蘇煥。

20. You are very kind, but yon must come to call on me. 腰呀威厘、溪完、不腰孖時地衿、吐呵炉安寐。