taxonomic papers on the genera here considered.
Adler, Hermann. 1877a. Beitrage zu Naturgeschichte der Cynipiden. Deut. Ent. Zeit., XXI, pp. 209–248.
1877b. Lege-Apparat und Eierlegen der Galiwespen, idem, XXI, pp. 305–332.
1881. Ueber den Generations-wechsel der Eichen Gallwespen. Zeitschr. f. wissensch. Zool., XXXV, pp. 151–246. [Quotations of this paper are from Adler-Straton edition.]
Adler-Lichtenstein. 1881. La Génération Alternante chez les Cynipides. [Lichtenstein trans. and edit.] Publ. M. Lichtenstein, Montpellier.
Adler-Straton. 1894. Alternating Generations. [Straton trans. and edit.; quotations from this edit.] Oxford, Clarendon Press.
Ashmead, William H. 1903. Classification of the Gall-Wasps and the Parasitic Cynipoids, or the Superfamily Cynipoidea. Psyche, X, pp. 7–13, 59–73, 140–155, 210–218.
Bassett, Homer F. 1877. Habits of Certain Gall Insects of the Genus Cynips; Agamic Reproduction Among the Cynipidæ. Proc. Amer. Ass. Adv. Sci., XXVI, pp. 302–306.
Beutenmüller, William. 1907. The North American species of Rhodites and their Galls. Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist., XXIII, pp. 629–651.
1909a. The species of Holcaspis and their Galls. Idem, XXVI, pp. 29-45.
1909b. The species of Amphibolips and their Galls. Idem, XXVI, pp. 47–66.
1909c. The North American species of Diastrophus and their Galls. Idem, XXVI, pp. 135–145.
1910a. The North American species of Neuroterus and their Galls. Idem, XXVIII, pp. 117–136.
1910b. The North American species of Aylax and their Galls. Idem, XXVIII, pp. 137–144.
1910c. The North American species of Aulacidea and their Galls. Idem, XXVIII, pp. 253–258.
1911. Two new species of Holcaspis from Mexico. Psyche, XVIII, pp. 86–87.
1915. A New Diastrophus on Strawberry. Can. Ent., XLVII, pp. 353–354.
Cameron, Peter. 1885. On the Origin of the Forms of Galls. Trans. Nat. Hist. Soc. Glasgow, V, pp. 38–41.
Cockerell, T. D. A. 1890. The Evolution of Insect-Galls. Ent., XXIII, pp. 73–76
Cook, Melvin T. 1902–1904. Galls and Insects Producing Them. Ohio Nat., II, pp. 263–278; III, pp. 419–436; IV, pp. 115–147.
Cosens, A. 1912. A Contribution to the Morphology and Biology of Insect Galls. Trans. Canad. Inst., IX, pp. 297–387.
Dalla Torre and Kieffer. 1910. Cynipidæ. Das Tierreich, XXIV.
Felt, Ephraim P. 1918. Key to American Insect Galls. N.Y. State Mus. Bull., CC.
Kinsey, Alfred C. 1919. Fossil Cynipidæ. Psyche, XXVI, pp. 44–49.
Walsh, B. D. 1864. On Dimorphism of the Hymenopterous genus Cynips; with an Appendix, containing hints for a new classification of Cynipidæ… Proc. Ent. Soc. Phila., II, pp. 443–500.