Page:Physical Description of New South Wales and Van Diemen's Land.djvu/41

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The charts, dated 1801, which were the result of the joint and separate expeditions of Messrs. Flinders and Bass, gave a delineation and a survey of the line of coast from Port Jackson to Western Port, of the islands of the straits, and of Van Diemen's Land, in- cluding the survey of the river Tamar, and the bays and coves of the river Derwent and Tasman's Penin- sula. They combined with nautical information ac- counts of the productions and capabilities of the dis- covered and examined harbours, and were considered of such signal service to science, commerce, and colo-

    and disinterested impulses of private feeling have already led a brother officer to pay an interesting tribute to the memory of Flinders. Out of his own purse, and at a cost of more than 250/., His Excel- lency Sir John Franklin, late Governor of Van Diemen's Land, has, within the last year, caused to be erected on the peak of Stamford Hill, near Port Lincoln, a lofty stone obelisk, whereon is fixed a tablet bearing the following inscription, the kind and manly English feeling discoverable in which does honour alike to him to whom the monument is raised and to him who raised it. this place, from which the gulf and its shores were first surveyed on 26th fbby. 1802, by MATTHEW FLINDERS, R.N., COM MANDEB OF H. M. 8. INVESTIGATOR, AND THB DISCOVERER OF THE COUNTRY NOW CALLED SOUTH AUSTRALIA, WAS ON 12. JAN. 1841, WITH THE SANCTION OF LT. COL. OAWLEB, K. H. THEN GOVERNOR OF THE COLONY, SET APART FOB AND IN THE FIRST YEAR OF THE GOVERNMENT OF CAPTAIN G. GREY AHORNED WITH THIS MONUMENT TO THE PERPETUAL MEMORY OF THE ILLUSTRIOUS NAVIGATOR, HIS HONORED COMMANDER, BY JOHN FRANKLIN, CAPTAIN R. N. K.C.H.R.R. LT. GOVERNOR OF VAN DIEMEN'S LAND.