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HISTORY. (jrd Grade^

Stories of the


By Dorothy Brooks. Price, Boards,

Children. Large type.


30 cents; Cloth, 40


both natural and fitting that the boys and girls of America should be interested and familiar with the legends that have woven so much of poetry and romance about the It is

of the Red men. And when these fanciful tales are presented as a part of the life-history of the little Red children they touch the kindred love of the marvelous in the civilized children of to-day with a peculiar closeness. All barriers of race and centuries of time fade away and the red and white children clasp hands In joy and delight in their mutual love of Nature's wonder-tales. The author's wellknown charm in story telling has never shown better than in this little book. The style is smooth, flowing and beautiful. Wind, stars, rain, snow, rainbows and the whole phenomena of nature are woven into charming stories which will feed the imagination without injuring the children. The book is illustrated by twenty-three striking pictures vivid with Indian life and activities. life