then all is square again until the next occasion. Vices thus pampered, flourish and luxuriate, unrestrained of man, bribed by the church, and sanctioned—as the poor, ignorant victims are taught to believe—by the approval of God himself!
I have seen a rakish cavallero, dressed in all the extravagance of fashionable finery, hurrying thoughtlessly to the confessional, with a flushed face and an unsteady gait, fresh from the debaucheries of a life upon the town, and closet himself with a holy padre, professedly to disburden himself of his little peccadillos. The priest received him graciously, despite his half intoxicated state; for he was wealthy, and well able to discharge his running account with the church. In a little while he came forth, lighter-hearted than ever; having made some lip protestations of amendment, promising to perform a few easy penances, and offering a contribution to the church, which was thankfully accepted. Then he would plunge deeper in riot and dissipation than before; exulting in the convenience of an institution which could relieve him from all the responsibilities of his crimes, upon such moderate terms.