hast been remiss in thy observances; thy penances have been neglected, and thy sufferings must needs be proportionate: but the intercession of the church is all powerful; and it will not be refused thee. Doubtless, thou desirest that the worldly possessions thou art about to leave should be appropriated to the redemption of thy soul, by prayers and ordained masses. The line of thy duty is plain, my son, and I believe me that thou dost so desire it."
As the priest repeats these words in an impressive voice, he stoops over the couch of the sufferer, and, with his own sleek hand, tenderly smoothens the pillows that support his head, and listens for the forthcoming reply.
"My hacienda in the south, to the pious uses of the church—likewise my three mansions in the Plaza—interest in the share-mine—my property at Tampico—likewise the third of my fortune, as testified. For the rest—my wife and family—my brother and—"
"Dost thou, in thy last hour, offer a divided gift to Heaven, lost man?" indignantly exclaims the father. "Dost thou think that God—and thou must soon appear before Him—will be satisfied with a tithe of thy possessions?"