Page:Pictures of life in Mexico Vol 2.djvu/243

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parts. The arroba of oil is equal to; gallons 33 parts.

Long Measure.—The foot is divided into 12 pulgadas, and is equal to 11 inches 128 parts English. The palmo measures 9 pulgadas, or 813 inches: the vara, 4 palmas, or 33 inches 384 parts.

For purposes of elucidation, in the tables in this volume, the terms dollar and cent have been employed: the former of eight silver rials, equal to about 4s. 2d. sterling; and the latter one hundred to each dollar. But the following is a table of Mexican coinage, with all the names of coins characteristic of the country.

Silver Coins.

£ s. d.
The peso, or dollar, equal to two tostons 0 4 2
The toston, equal to two pesatas 0 2 1
The pesata, equal to two rials 0 1 012
The rial, equal to two medios 0 0 614
The medio, equal to two currtillas 0 0 313