Page:Pictures of life in Mexico Vol 2.djvu/248

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5. Mineralogical and geological collections.
6. Objects of natural history.
7. Designs and models of machines edifices monuments and shipping.
8. Bricks and earth for foundry furnaces.
9. Printing types.
10. Printed books stitched, and manuscript, or printed music, not including, in this exemption, books and other prints used for infant schools, or for devotion, and bound or half-bound books.
11. Topographical and geographical maps and charts.
12. Machines, apparatus, and instruments for scientific purposes.
13. Machines and apparatus for agriculture, mining, and the arts, except stills that are not of new invention. (In this and the preceding classification, machines are understood to be such works as are composed of various pieces, with the object of putting into play mechanical power; and apparatus such works as are composed of various pieces adapted for experiments in physics, and the chemical affinities of bodies solid liquid, gaseous, or imponderable; things that can be sold separately, such as pig-iron, oil, broadcloth, plush, skins, &c., though coming as connected with machinery, shall be subject to the payment of duties.)