Page:Pictures of life in Mexico Vol 2.djvu/302

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14 BOOKS PUBLISHED BY lEtJucational WORKS ON ANGLO-SAXON LITERATURE. By B. Thorpe, Esq. I.— ANALECTA ANGLO-SAXONICA. Post 8vo, 12^. cloth. II.— ANGLO-SAXON VERSION of APOLLONIUS OF TYRE. Post 8vo, 6s. III.— RASK'S GRAMMAR of the ANGLO-SAXON TONGUE. 8vo, jzs. EDUCATION AS A MEANS OF PREVENT- ING DESTITUTION. Prefaced by a Letter to the Right Hon. Lord John Russell, M.P. By William Ellis, Author of the " Outlines of Social Economy." Post 8vo, 4;. cloth. ELEMENTARY WORKS on SOCIAL SCIENCE. Uniform in fcap. 8vo, half-bound. I._PROGRESSIVE LESSONS IN SOCIAL SCIENCE, is. 6d. II.— INTRODUCTION TO THE SOCIAL SCIENCES, zs. III.— OUTLINES OF SOCIAL ECONOMY, is. 6d. IV.— QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS on the Arrangements and Rela- tions OF Social Life. zs. 6d. v.— OUTLINES OF THE UNDERSTANDING, zs. " The author of these various manuals of the social sciences has the art of stating clearly the abstruse points of political economy and metaphysics, and making them level to every understanding." — Economist, PARENTS' CABINET of Amusement and In- struction. 6 vols. 2s. 6d. each. Each volume is complete in itself, and may be had separately. " This little work contains just that description of reading which will be beneficial to young children." — Sluarterly Journal of Education. LITTLE STORIES from the Parlour Printing Press. By the Author of the " Parents' Cabinet." " A very nice little book for children." — Weekly Chronicle.