The Publishers desire to return their most sincere and hearty thanks to Mr Alexander Bathgate for the valuable assistance he has gratuitously rendered in editing this work, and also to Messrs. G. M. Thomson, F.L.S.; G. J. Binns, F.G.S.; N. Y. A. Wales; Professor Salmond, LL.D.; J. Hislop, LL.D.; J. A. Torrance, and G. H. Turton, all of whom have likewise, without remuneration, kindly furnished their respective contributions.
Whilst the scope of the work has been unavoidably altered to some extent since the title "Picturesque Dunedin" was first chosen, and the picturesque aspects of our city and its surroundings have not received the prominence originally contemplated, the publishers feel confident that the work will prove of interest to both the passing visitor and the permanent resident, to the latter of whom it should form a pleasing memento of our Exhibition year.
- Dunedin, January, 1890.