Page:Picturesque Dunedin.djvu/141

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In the year 1884, James Fulton, Esq., M.H.R., presented a hundred guineas to the University Council "to form the nucleus of a Scholarship Fund for boys and girls from the Taieri, who may desire to attend the Otago or any other University." The fund is now accumulating.

In the year 1885, J. Sperrey, Esq., Mrs. Burn, and Miss Dalrymple handed to the University Council the sum of £375 10s, collected by public subscription, to be devoted to a Scholarship for women, tenable at the Otago University. The fund is now accumulating, and will be applied to its purpose when the annual interest shall amount to £30.

Ever since the foundation of the University, the number of the students in attendance has steadily increased; and, whereas, in the earlier years only one or two students graduated each year, the number now annually graduating has increased till last year it reached the number of twenty. In proportion to the population, the numbers are not only equal to, but in advance of the attendance at the English and Scotch Universities. The University is viewed with pride and admiration by the whole population, and is justly considered one of the most valuable institutions of the Colony.