Page:Picturesque Dunedin.djvu/195

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drawing. Fridays are given to drawing and painting from the living model, draped.

The Teachers' and Pupil Teachers' classes meet on Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays from 5.45 to 6.45 p.m., and on Saturdays for an hour in the forenoon. Country teachers attend on Saturdays. The Normal School students in training attend for an hour every forenoon except on Friday. All these classes are organised to suit the circumstances of the students, and their several stages of advancement. The day classes meet from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. for the study of elementary and advanced drawing, practical plane and solid geometry, mechanical and architectural drawing, painting in water and oil colours (elementary and advanced), modelling, &c. The morning class is attended by students from the School of Mines, and by young ladies who are engaged during the day; the former are studying practical plane and solid geometry, and machine drawing; the latter, drawing and painting. These classes promise to become very popular. The afternoon class is attended chiefly by those who are studying art as a profession, or for the purpose of improvement. The High Schools are statedly visited by Mr. Hutton and his assistant, who impart instruction in drawing of a very valuable character to the pupils in nearly all the forms. Mr Hutton is aided by a well qualified assistant and a pupil teacher.

The following is the present attendance at the several classes in the School of Art:—

Evening classes— Mondays and Wednesdays 90
{{{1}}}{{{1}}} Tuesdays and Thursdays 44
{{{1}}}{{{1}}} Fridays 9
Teachers and pupil teachers 109
Not connected with the Public Schools 14
Normal School students 55
Day classes 52
Total 373

About 400 High School pupils receive instruction in drawing from Mr. Hutton or his assistant.