"Your fever is very high."
"I don't care."
“In a few hours it may kill you.”
"I don't care."
"Are you afraid of nothing?"
"No. I would rather die than take that dreadful medicine."
At that moment the door of the room flew open and four rabbits, black as ink, entered, carrying a stretcher on their shoulders.
"What do you want with me?" cried Pinocchio, sitting up in his bed in a great fright.
"We have come to take you away."
"To take me away? But why?"
"You have refused to drink the medicine that would cure you of your fever."
"Oh, my Fairy, oh my Fairy," screamed the marionette. "Give me the glass at once. Send them away. I do not want to go away from you." And seizing the glass in both hands he swallowed the medicine at one gulp.
“Oh dear!” said the four black rabbits in chorus, "We have made this call for nothing." And placing the stretcher on their shoulders