While he was building these air castles he arrived at the field. He looked eagerly for the great vine with many branches full of money, but saw none. He took a few steps more. He saw nothing unusual. He entered the field and hurried to the hole where he had planted his money, but there was no bush there. Then he became thoughtful, forgot the rules of good society, scratched his head and wondered what to do next.
Just then he heard a whistling above his head, as if someone were laughing at him. Looking up he saw perched on a tree nearby a big green parrot preening his few feathers.
"What are you laughing at?" asked Pinocchio angrily.
"Because I tickled myself under the wing when I was preening my feathers."
Pinocchio hardly noticed him. He went to the well, and again sprinkled the spot where he had buried his money. At this he heard a laungh lounder and more impertinent than the first, and it sounded very strange in the lonely field.
"Well," he said angrily, "tell me if you can, you ignorant Parrot, why you laugh now."