hours—not even a chick pea. What should he do? There were only two ways to get food, either to beg or to work for it. He was ashamed to beg, because his father had told him that the only ones who had a right to beg were the poor, the sick or the blind. The poor are often so because old age and sickness make them no longer able to work with their hands, and they deserve help. But everyone else must work, and if they will not, so much the worse for them.
While he was considering his situation a man came along the road, panting and perspiring as he dragged two carts filled with charcoal. Pinocchio, judging from his face that he was a kind man, lowered his eyes in embarrassment, and said in a low voice:
"Will you please give me a penny? I am starving."
"Indeed I'll do better, replied the man, “I will give you five if you will help me pull this wagon up the hill."
"I am surprised,” replied the marionette in an offended tone, "I am not a donkey. I have never pulled a wagon in my life."