"I want to warn you. Go back, and take the four gold pieces that you have left, to your father, who is in despair thinking he will never see you again."
"Tomorrow my father will be a very rich man, because these four pieces will have become two thousand."
"Do not trust those whom promise to make you rich in a night, my boy. Usually such persons are mad or deceitful. Listen to me and go back."
"I want to go on."
"It's very late."
"I want to go on."
"The night is dark.”
"All the same I want to go on."
"The road is dangerous."
"Nevertheless I will go on."
“Remember that boys who always do what they want to, will sooner or later repent."
"The old, old story! Good night Cricket!”
"Good night, and may you escape from the robbers."
The Talking Cricket had hardly said these words when suddenly he disappeared, just as if someone had blown out the light, and the road was darker than ever.