Page:PiriReisMap Akcura 1935.pdf/8

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this sea is girded by a coast, and because it is like a lake, they called it Ovo Sano.

XXIII. — In this spot there are oxen with one horn, and also monsters in this shape.

XXIV. — These monsters are seven spans long. Between their eyes there is a distance of one span. But they are harmless souls.[1]

In conclusion, I offer the thanks and the gratitude of the Society for Turkish Historical Research to its honorary president, His Excellency the Great Kemal Atatürk, for causing this map, which is a document definitely illustrating the services of the sixteenth century Turks to science, to be reproduced in facsimile.


President of the Society for
Turkish Historical Research


  1. For notes XXIII. and XXIV. we give the reading used by by Colonel H. Abdurrahman, assistant general director of general Staff Cartography, in his yet unpublished work, "History of the World Cartography".