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I encouraged my people to work hard with their hands and to use their time wisely.

Soon my people wanted me to be their king. I did not want them to have a king, but I did what I could for them as their leader.

The Lord's words about my brothers were fulfilled, that I would be their ruler and teacher, for I had been their ruler and teacher before they had planned to kill me.

When we left my brothers, the Lord also fulfilled His words to me, which said that if they would not listen to me, they would be cut off from His presence.

The Lord caused a sore curse to come upon Laman and his followers because of their wicked rebellion. Because their hearts had become as hard as flint, He caused their skin to become dark. This helped to keep Laman's people from enticing and mixing with mine, who were white, fair and delightful.

The Lord said,

“If they do not repent, I will make the Lamanites repulsive to your people. Those who mix with them will bring the same curse upon their