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My brothers and sisters, I have been called by God and ordained to His holy order.

I have been consecrated to serve God by my brother, Nephi, whom you look to as a king or protector, and on whom you depend for your safety.

I have often spoken to you, and J will speak to you again because I desire the well-being of your souls.

You know I have always been anxious for you to heed the words of my father, Lehi--words that I have diligently taught you.

I have also taught you everything that has been written, from the creation of the world until now.

Today I would like to speak about things that concern us now, and that will concern our descendants--things Isaiah wrote for us. These are the things Nephi wanted me to tell you so that you may learn about and glorify God.

Isaiah wrote many things having to do with all of Israel's descendants. And since we are Israel's descendants, Isaiah's words apply to us.

I will now read two verses of Isaiah's writings:

The Lord God said to me,

"Watch, for I will raise up my hand to the Gentiles and set my standard before all people. After I do this, the Gentiles will care for your sons and nurture your daughters.
Note: Gentiles who are great will do this (2 Nephi 10:8).
You, the oppressed of Israel, will not be disappointed after waiting for me. You will know that I am the Lord when you see Gentile kings and queens humbling themselves before you.”

Now I, Jacob, will comment on Isaiah's words.

First of all, the Lord has shown me in a vision