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But because of the prayers of the faithful, the descendants of Israel will not be completely destroyed.
They will be hated, afflicted and scattered over the earth, but the Lord will be merciful to them, for after they come to know Him as their Redeemer, then they will be gathered again to their lands of inheritance."

Jacob continues to relate his vision:

If the Gentiles repent and do not fight against Zion by not joining that great, abominable church, then they, too will be saved.

Note: Moroni describes the latter-day Gentiles who will repent in Ether 4:6.

Isaiah wrote these things to give us hope that the Lord will fulfill the covenants He made to His children.

But those Gentiles who do not repent, who fight against Zion and the Lord's covenant people, will be humbled before the covenant people. For the Lord's people will not be let down after waiting so long for their Messiah.

Isaiah tells us the Messiah will show His power a second time.

Note: This second show of power is described in D&G 103:15-18.

When the house of Israel believes in Him, He will show His power and great glory by recovering them and destroying their enemies, saving all who believe in Him.

Those who will not believe in the Messiah will be destroyed by fire, tempests, earthquakes, wars, plagues and droughts.

Then they will know that He is the Lord God, the Holy One of Israel!

For can the oppressed be rescued from the tyrants, or can those put in prison by corrupt laws be set free?

The Lord tells us,

"Yes, even the tyrants’ prey and the well guarded prisoners will be delivered. For I, the Mighty God of my covenant people, will deliver