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Note: Above (in blue), Nephi quotes Isaiah 52:1 on his plates (2 Nephi 8:24), as did the Savior 600 years later (3 Ne 20:36). Moroni also chose Isaiah 52:1 as his final quote, as part of his final plea to latter-day Israel, to become be filled with Christ's, hope and charity' stand pure before God at the last day.

Jacob explains resurrection, justice, accountability, then calls his people to repentance...
(compare 2 Nephi, chapter 9)

My brothers and sisters, I, Jacob, have read these things to you from Isaiah so you will know about the covenants the Lord made with all of Israel's descendants—-so you will know that He has spoken to the Jews through His holy prophets since the time of Adam and Eve.

The Lord will continue to speak to the Jews until they are restored to the true church and fold of God—until they are gathered home and established in all their lands of promise.

I have read these things so you will rejoice forever over the blessings the Lord God will bring to your descendants.

I know many of you have been searching our scriptures to know of your future. From your searching you have learned that we will all die, but with resurrected bodies we will see God.

We know He will be born on earth and will minister to those in Jerusalem. For in His wisdom, the Great Creator will subject Himself