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Because my covenants must be fulfilled--covenants that are fulfilled in the flesh, I must destroy the secret works of darkness, murder and wicked acts.

Because I must do this, all who fight Zion, whether they be Jews or Gentile, in bondage or free, men or women, will perish. Those who fight Zion are the most corrupt in all the earth, for those who are not with me are against me.

I will fulfill the promises I made to Israel's descendants while they yet live in the flesh.

To fulfill my covenants, I will afflict your descendants (Native Americans) at the hands of the Gentiles. But I will soften the Gentiles’ hearts, who will come to love and be like a father to them.

Then the Gentiles will be blessed and become part of the house of Israel.

I will consecrate this land as an inheritance to your descendants forever, and also to the righteous Gentiles, who will be counted with them."

God told me, Jacob, that this land is choice above all others, and that He will have all people who live upon this land worship Him.