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When Ahaz (grandson of Uzziah) was king of Judah, King Rezin of Syria, and Pekah, son of King Remaliah of Israel, both went to war against Jerusalem, but they could not prevail against it.

It was known among the house of David (tribe of Judah) that King Rezin had conspired with Pekah (tribe of Ephraim). This is why Ahaz and his people were afraid of being attacked.

Then the Lord said to me, Isaiah,

"Take your son, Shearjashub, and go meet Ahaz on the highway at the point where it meets the irrigation canal that comes from the wool cleaners spring.
Tell Ahaz not to fear the fierce anger of Rezin and Pekah.
He should not be concerned that Syria (Rezin) and Ephraim (Pekah) have conspired against him by saying, ‘Let us go up against Judah to conquer it, and to put in Tabeal’s son as king,’ for I, the Lord God, tell you that their plan will not come to pass.
Also tell Ahaz that for now...
...the head of Syria is Damascus.
...the head of Damascus is Rezin.
... Samaria is likewise the head of Ephraim.
...Remaliah’s son, Pekah, is the head of Samaria.
But within sixty-five years, Ephraim will not be a united nation.
If Ahaz will not believe this prophecy, he will not be established.”

After giving this message to Ahaz, I, Isaiah, said to him,

“Ask for a sign from the Lord -- a sign in the heavens or in the earth."

But Ahaz replied, "I won't ask for a sign and tempt the Lord.”

Then I, Isaiah, said, "Hear me now, oh house of David. It doesn't matter if you weary me by not looking forward to the promised signs,