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The Lord will have no joy in their young men or mercy on their fatherless and widows, for they are all hypocrites and evildoers, speaking foolishness.

After all this, the Lord's anger will not be turned away, but continue.

Note: The Lord's hand "stretched out still” is the hand of anger against His people, not the hand of mercy. See 2 Nephi 15:25.

The wicked will be consumed with evil, which like a fire, will burn within them. Through the Lord of Host's anger, the land will be scorched and the people will be burned by the flashes of heat.

Being consumed with evil, the wicked will have no mercy upon one another. They will steal food, but it will not be enough. They will kill for food, but it still will not be enough. And finally, they will eat one another.

The descendants of Manasseh and Ephraim will fight one another, and they will both fight the Jews.

After all this, the Lord's anger will still not be turned away, but continue.

Isaiah writes of latter-day judgments...
(compare 2 Nephi, chapter 20)

Cursed are those who propose unrighteous laws and then write them into the law books for the people to live by, who do this to lawfully deny justice to the needy, to legally take away the rights of my poor people, to make prey of the widows and to rob the fatherless.

What will you do when you are visited by desolating armies that will come from afar? What nation will save you then? Where will your wealth be then? Without my protection, many will bow down as prisoners and fall among the dead.

After all this, the Lord's anger and judgments will yet continue.

The Assyrian will act as the rod of the Lord's anger--the staff of His indignation in His hand. The Lord said,