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Even though we believe in Christ, we keep the law of Moses, looking forward to Christ until He fulfills the law. We know that Christ will fulfill the law of Moses, so the law has become dead to us. We are made alive in Christ because of our faith in Him, yet we keep the law of Moses because of the commandments.

And we talk of Christ, we rejoice in Christ, we preach of Christ, we prophesy of Christ, and we write our prophecies.

We do this so that our children may know to whom they may look for a remission of their sins.

We speak about the law of Moses so our children may know the deadness of it after it has been fulfilled. This knowledge will help them look forward to Christ's way of life. It will also help them understand why the law of Moses was given, so they will not harden their hearts against Christ as He fulfills the law of Moses.

For you, my people, are stubborn. This is why I have spoken so plainly to you--so that you cannot misunderstand.

The words I have spoken will stand as a testimony against you because they are enough to teach anyone the right way. The right way is to believe in Christ and not deny Him. By denying Him, you also deny the prophets and the law.

Christ is the Holy One of Israel, and you must bow down before Him and worship Him with all your might, mind and strength--with your