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In a vision I have seen that many of your generations will pass away, troubled by great wars.

And when the Messiah comes into the world you will be given the signs of His birth, and also the signs of His death and resurrection—-a great and terrible day for the wicked, for that is the day they will perish.

This will happen because the cries of the prophets and the saints, whom the wicked will reject and kill, will go up to God from the ground against the wicked.

Note: In six verses (3 Nephi 9:5-11), no less than five times does the Savior tell why He destroyed many, many cities..."so the blood of the prophets and saints will no longer come up to me against them.”

The Lord says,
“All the proud who do wickedly will be burned.
Those who kill the prophets and saints will be swallowed up by the earth and mountains will cover them.
Tornadoes will carry them away, and earthquakes will cause buildings to crush them, grinding them to powder. They will be visited with thunder, lightning, earthquakes and all types of destruction, for the Lord’s angry fire will burn them like kindling.”

Oh the pain and anguish of my soul for the loss of my people that will perish! For I, Nephi, have seen their destruction, which almost consumes me before the Lord's presence. But I must cry to my God, “Thy ways are just.”

However, those of you among my righteous descendants, who listen to the prophets and faithfully look forward to Christ and the promised signs, even while being persecuted, will not die. The Son of