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No. He says, "Come to me, all people of the earth. Buy milk and honey without money and without price."

Has He ordered us out of the synagogues and chapels? No.

Has He told anyone that they may not partake of His salvation? No. He has given it freely for all and has commanded His people to persuade all others to repent.

Has the Lord forbidden anyone to enjoy His goodness? No. All people are equally privileged to partake of it freely.

However, the Lord does forbid priestcraft among us. Priestcraft is setting oneself up as a light to the world, teaching others for gain and fame, claiming to teach truth while ignoring the needs of Zion.
The Lord helps to keep us from practicing priestcraft by commanding us to practice charity, which is love.
If we do not have charity, then we are nothing. And if the Gentiles have charity, they will not allow the laborer in Zion to perish.
True laborers in Zion are those who build up Zion. If they labor with their hearts set upon money, they will perish (physically and spiritually).

The Lord God has also commanded us not to murder, lie, steal, envy or to take His name in vain. We should not fight with one another or commit adultery, for whoever does any of these things will perish.

None of these sins come from the Lord, for He only does good among us in all plainness.

He invites everyone to come to Him and to enjoy His goodness - black, white, rich, poor, male, female, Jew and Gentile.

And He remembers those who have not been taught His laws, for all people are equal to Him.