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Besides Joseph, three other witnesses will see them by God's power. They will testify that the plates exist, and that the translation is true.

God will allow others (eight additional witnesses) to see the plates, who will also bear testimony of God's word to the world.

This translation will fulfill the prophecies that say the faithful forefathers’ words will speak as if from the dead.

To fulfill this prophecy, the Lord God will begin to bring the words written on these plates to the world.

The Lord will establish His word with as many witnesses as He needs, and cursed are those who reject God's word! For the Lord will say to Joseph Smith,

"Give some of the unsealed words to another (Martin Harris), so that he may bring them to an educated man (Professor Charles Anthon) to read.”

The educated man will say, “Bring me the whole book, so that I may read it."

He will say this, wanting money and glory from the world rather than to glorify God.

The first man will say, "I cannot bring you the book, for it is sealed.”

And the educated man will reply, "I cannot read a sealed book."

Note: See Joseph Smith History 1:62-65 (Pear of Great Price).

After this, the Lord will again give the plates and the power to translate them to Joseph, who will have little confidence, saying,

"I am not a scholar.”