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I have spoken to you about pride. And those of you who afflict and despise your neighbors because you're so proud of your possessions--things with which God has blessed you--what do you say for yourselves?

Don't you think your pride offends your Creator, to whom everyone is equally precious? For God created us all from the dust, to keep His commandments and thereby glorify Him forever.

This is all I will say about your pride. If I did not have to speak to you about a more serious sin, my heart would rejoice greatly because of you. But God's word burdens me because of your crimes.

The Lord told me,

"This people are becoming sinful. They do not understand the scriptures. They try to excuse their immorality because of what is written about David and his son Solomon, who both had many wives and mistresses-a serious sin before me.
I led this people out of Jerusalem by the power of my arm to raise up righteous descendants of Joseph of old. To do this, I, the Lord God, cannot allow this people to do what David and Solomon did.”

Now my brethren, hear me and obey the Lord, for every man should have only one wife and no mistresses. For the Lord said:

"I, the Lord God, delight in the chastity of women, and immorality of any kind is a very serious sin before me. My people will keep my commandments or the land will be cursed for their sakes.