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us, their forefathers.

We work diligently to engrave these plates, hoping the Lamanites and their children in the last days will receive them with thankful hearts, and learn with joy, not sorrowing nor resenting Laman and Lemuel, their first parents.

We keep our records so they'll know we knew of Christ, and that we had a hope of His glory hundreds of years before He came, and that holy prophets who lived before us also had a hope of His glory.

Those prophets believed in Christ and worshipped the Father in His name as we do now. And like them, we keep the law of Moses, which points our souls to Christ. And our sacrifices are considered righteous, as was Abraham's, who offered his son Isaac--a symbol of God's offering of His Only Begotten Son.

We search the prophets' writings and have many revelations in the spirit of prophecy. With all these witnesses, we have hope.

Our faith becomes so strong we can command the trees, the mountains and the ocean in the name of Jesus, and they obey us.

But the Lord shows us our weaknesses so we may know it's by His grace and great kindness to His people that we have this power.

The Lord's works are great and marvelous! How deep His mysteries are! It's impossible for people to know all His ways, and no one knows His ways without revelation. This is why you should not despise revelation from God.

By His word, man, woman and the earth were created. So if God created the earth and everything on it by speaking, why