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Now I, Jacob, am led by the Spirit to prophesy, for I sense by the workings of the Spirit in me, that because the Jews stumble, they will reject the stone upon which they might have built a safe foundation.

According to the scriptures, this stone will become the great, last and only sure foundation upon which they can build.

Note: Christ is the cornerstone upon which to build (Helaman 5:12).

And how will it be possible for the Jews, after rejecting their sure foundation, to ever build upon it and make it their cornerstone? I will tell you how, as long as I do not get shaken from my determination in the Spirit and stumble because of my anxiety for you.

Speaking to all members of the house of Israel, the Lord's prophet, Zenos (who was martyred), told us exactly how the Jews will make Christ their cornerstone after rejecting Him for centuries:

Jacob reads of Zenos the Martyr's House of Israel metaphor, the "olive tree”
(compare Jacob, chapter 5...the longest in The Book of Mormon)

Note: The reference to Zenos being a martyr is found in Helaman 8:19.

The Father said the house of Israel (the Jews, or Judah, the lost tribes, and the tribe of Joseph) is like a tame olive tree, which He planted in his vineyard and cared for.

The tree grew, became old and started to decay.