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The Savior did as he was told and grafted the wild branches into the olive tree.

And in His mercy, the Father of the vineyard cared for the house of Israel's spiritual roots.

Note: Through Daniel, Esther and Nehemiah, the Lord caused the house of Israel's roots to be nourished.

Then He said, "The tender branches that I plucked out (scattered tribes, Jews, Mulek & Lehi's people) will be preserved for myself, that I may lay up their fruit before the last day, for it would grieve me to lose the house of Israel and its fruit."

The Father hid the natural branches that had been plucked out in separate places upon His earth. He planted them here and there according to His will and pleasure.

After many years had passed, the Father said to the Savior, "Come, let us go down to the vineyard."

They both went down to labor, and the Son said to the Father, "Look at the tame olive tree, the roots of Israel!"

The Father of the vineyard saw the mother tree in which the wild branches had been grafted.

The tree began to bear much good fruit (keeping the laws and commandments of Moses).