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Sherem uttered, "I'm afraid because I think I have committed the unpardonable sin, for I have lied to God. I denied the Christ, yet said I believed the scriptures, which truly testify of Him. Because I have lied to God, I'm afraid for my soul. But I now confess my evil works to God.”

Sherem could say no more, and he died.

Having seen Sherem confess just before dying, the multitude was greatly astonished. As God's power came upon and overcame them they all fell to the earth.

This pleased me, Jacob, because I had asked my Father in heaven for such an event. He had heard my cry and had answered my prayer.

God's love and peace was restored among the people. They searched the scriptures, and Sherem's lies died with him.

The Nephites had many ideas about how to restore the Lamanites to the knowledge of the truth, but they were all in vain because the Lamanites delighted in war and bloodshed. They had an eternal hatred against us, their brethren, and they continually tried to kill us.

So we, the people of Nephi, fortified ourselves against them with our weapons and strength, trusting in God, the rock of our salvation. By doing this, we were able to conquer our enemies.

As I, Jacob, now grow old, I finish my record on the small plates that Nephi gave me. The Nephite history is kept on Nephi's larger plates.

The best way I can describe our lives is by saying that they passed like a dream. We were a lonesome and solemn people--wandering outcasts from Jerusalem, born in tribulation in the